Lens Implants

Intraocular Lens Implants

Newly approved alternatives to standard monofocal lenses are intraocular lenses (IOLs) that focus both for distance and near vision. One of these lenses, the Crystalens, is actually a monofocal lens that has the ability to move forward inside the eye to change focus from distance to near to some degree. The amount of close reading vision obtained after Crystalens implantation is usually good enough for casual reading such as newspapers, magazines and moderate sized computer fonts. Another alternative to standard lenses are multifocal IOLs such as the Tecnis and Restor lenses. They focus light coming from both near and distance sources providing a wide range of focusing capability. All of these lenses are implantable during cataract surgery, but require out of pocket payment from the patient unlike the standard monofocal lenses. Medicare and other insurance carriers require that the patient pay for the extra expense of these presbyopic lenses. In addition to the cost, patients should discuss the potential optical side effect of nighttime halos around lights.



Crystalens Implants
Crystalens is a cataract replacement lens that works naturally with the eyes’ muscles to give you the quality of vision enjoyed when you were younger. Eye muscles are able to squeeze it and retract it so that you can focus on objects far away, close up and anywhere in-between.

Ask Dr. Pilkinton if Crystalens could improve your eyesight.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lens Implants.
Who is the best candidate for crystalens implants?
Anyone who has cataracts or has other imperfections in your natural lenses, then crystalens could be the answer. Dr. Pilkinton can make that determination after a thorough evaluation of your eyes.

What is the cataract procedure like?
First, your eye is numbed with drops, then a small opening is made in your cornea where the cataract is removed. Thru this same opening the lens is inserted and positioned. Your cornea heals naturally, so there are no stitches. Recovery is fast (the first day after surgery, there might be some fuzziness in your vision) and the entire procedure, through recovery, causes very little discomfort.


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