Choosing the Right Lens for You
Use this simple technology comparison to help determine which cataract technologies may be most appropriate for you.
STEP 1: Determine Your Vision Needs
First consider which of the 3 main vision areas you want most — near, intermediate, and/or far.
Our quick activity profile quiz can help you determine which areas are most important to your everyday activities.
STEP 2: Choose the Option That Meets Your Vision Needs
Work with Dr. Pilkinton to determine which option below best meets your vision, lifestyle, and insurance needs.
Conventional Lens
Vision Expectations: With a conventional replacement lens, you can choose only 1 of the vision areas above that will be clear. You’ll be able to see clearly in that area of focus, but will need glasses to see clearly in the other 2 areas.
Insurance Coverage: After your deductible (usually $200) and co-insurance premium, the rest is typically covered 100% by Medicare and/or private insurance.
HD Bi-Aspheric Quarter-Diopter Lens*
Vision Expectations: This advanced replacement lens is optimized for high-quality distance vision, and reduced dependence on glasses in the intermediate range. The lens improves the quality of images in low light, and enhances contrast sensitivity. With this lens, you also are evaluated for any corneal astigmatism, which can be corrected in the MACS procedure.
Insurance Coverage: After your deductible and co-insurance, there may be some out-of-pocket charges, based on your corneal condition and eye measurements taken. Most often these charges, if any, would be minimal in comparison to the covered portion.
Flexible Soft Lens Blended Vision with HD Bi-Aspheric Quarter-Diopter Lens*
Vision Expectations: By combining this surgical technique with an advanced replacement lens, you can choose 2 of the 3 vision areas that you want to be optimized, and may need eyeglasses in the other vision area. In this procedure, Dr. Pilkinton “blends” your vision by correcting one lens for one vision area and the other lens for the other vision area. With this lens, you also are evaluated for any corneal astigmatism, which can be corrected in the MACS procedure.
NOTE: Most cataract patients qualify for an HD Blended Vision MACS procedure, but some will not based on pre-surgical testing and consultation. You need to ask Dr. Pilkinton about this option and if you qualify.
Insurance Coverage: After your deductible and co-insurance, there may be some out-of-pocket charges, based on your corneal condition, eye measurements taken and more calculations needed for the “blending.” Most often these additional charges will be minimal in comparison to the portion covered.
The new Softec HD Oval lens designed by Dr. Pilkinton to be 30 percent larger eliminates negative dysphotopsia in most cataract patients.