About Most Accurate Cataract Surgery (MACS)
After reviewing the many cataract surgery technologies and lenses available today, Dr. Pilkinton has assembled information about the Most Accurate Cataract Surgery (MACS) options for the three key components involved in cataract surgery. Choose any category to learn more:
Eye Measurements — Learn why the two standard measurements required by Medicare are not enough.
Replacement Lenses — Learn which of the many intraocular lenses (IOLs) on the market today offer the best clarity, night vision and depth of field. You can also see a comparison of conventional vs. MACS lenses.
Precision Surgery — Learn what makes MACS surgery different and better.
In this section, you’ll also find information about the effectiveness of MACS technologies based on clinical studies, and information about insurance coverage for MACS.
You live in a big colorful world. Make sure you will always be able to enjoy it by having a Complete Eye Evaluation. Ask the Pilkinton Eye Center staff for details.